ATIS Group is an organization with strong values of responsibility and integrity. Our Code of Conduct provides general guidelines for conducting business with the highest ethical standards.

ATIS Group is committed to providing an environment where open and honest communication is the expectation, not the exception.

We want our employees, clients, and suppliers to feel comfortable reporting any perceived violations of policies or standards.

If you prefer to make anonymous and confidential reports, we encourage you to use this site, managed by an external provider, EthicsPoint, to submit reports about misconduct, violations of our Code of Conduct, as well as to seek guidance on policies and procedures and provide suggestions and positive feedback. The information you provide will be sent to EthicsPoint completely confidentially and anonymously if you choose. We guarantee that your comments will be heard. Please refer to the EthicsPoint FAQ for more information.

A report is
a demonstration
of trust


Need to file a complaint?

If you need to file a complaint, you can do so as follows:

1 Select the "File a Complaint" link at the top of this webpage. Alternatively, choose the country you are in:

2  After completing your complaint, you will be assigned a unique code known as a "complaint key.

3  Write down your complaint key and password and keep them in a safe place.

4  After 5 to 6 business days, use your complaint key and password to check for any comments or questions regarding your complaint.

5  EthicsPoint is not a 911 or emergency service.

6  Do not use this site to report incidents that pose an immediate threat to life or property.

7  Complaints submitted through this service may not receive an immediate response.

8  If you need emergency assistance, contact your local authorities.




The Process for Reporting an Incident via NAVEX Whistleblower Solutions:

“There’s something wrong. I need to say something.”

Whether you are checking a policy, making an inquiry, or reporting a concern, everything is important. Whistleblowers choose their preferred channel, complete a simple form available in their local language, and can opt for anonymity if desired.

Sending an alert.

Reports trigger an immediate notification to the assigned case manager, who starts the investigation. The whistleblower receives updates when there is a response.

Confidential conversations to gather more details.

To thoroughly address the report, whistleblowers may be asked to provide additional details. Our confidential chat feature offers a secure way to continue the dialogue with the case manager, even if the report is made anonymously.

The investigation continues.

As the case manager progresses with the investigation, they communicate with relevant individuals within the organization to determine the best course of action. Automated alerts keep both the whistleblower and the case manager informed about deadlines and progress.

Completion of actions and investigation.

The case manager sends a final update to inform the whistleblower about the actions taken and to confirm that the case has been closed.



EthicsPoint is a comprehensive and confidential reporting tool designed to assist management and employees in working together to combat fraud, abuse, and other misconduct while fostering a positive work environment.

We believe that our employees are our most important asset. By creating open channels of communication, we can foster a positive work environment and maximize productivity. An effective reporting system will enhance our efforts to promote a culture of integrity and ethical decision-making.

Reporting General Information

Yes. With EthicsPoint, you can report confidential and anonymous concerns either by phone or online.
Personal details will not be required.

EthicsPoint is designed for employees to report any violations outlined in our Code of Conduct or other irregularities they are aware of.

When you observe behavior that you believe violates our Code of Conduct, we expect you to report it. It is best to report any irregularities to your direct manager or another member of the ATIS administrative team. However, we recognize that there may be circumstances where you might not feel comfortable reporting the issue this way. For such situations, we provide the EthicsPoint tool. We prefer that you make anonymous reports rather than keeping the information to yourself.

We all have the right to work in a positive environment, and this right carries the responsibility to act ethically and to alert the relevant parties if someone is not behaving appropriately. By cooperating, we can maintain a healthy and productive environment. Corporate misconduct can threaten the survival of the entire company.

Absolutely. In fact, we need you to report them. You know what is happening in our company, both the good and the bad. You may have initial knowledge of activities that could be concerning. Your report can help minimize the potential negative impact on the company and our staff. Additionally, providing positive feedback can help identify issues that can improve corporate culture and performance.

Reports are sent directly to the secure EthicsPoint server to prevent any potential security breaches. EthicsPoint makes these reports available only to a specific group of people within ATIS's Compliance Team, who are responsible for evaluating the report based on the type of violation. Each of these report recipients has been trained to maintain extreme confidentiality.

The EthicsPoint system is intended to be a positive aspect of our overall philosophy and helps ensure a safe, secure, and ethical workplace. We encourage you to seek guidance on ethical dilemmas, provide positive suggestions, or report irregularities. Effective communication is crucial in today's workplace, and this is a great tool to enhance that communication. We have carefully chosen the best reporting tool to meet our compliance obligations while maintaining a positive reporting environment.


EthicsPoint does not generate or maintain any internal connection logs with IP addresses, so there is no information linking your personal computer to EthicsPoint. In fact, EthicsPoint has a contractual commitment not to ascertain the identity of the reporter. If you are uncomfortable using your work computer to make reports, you have the option to use a computer outside of our work environment (such as one at a café, a friend's house, etc.) via the secure EthicsPoint website or call 844-222-1727. Many people choose this option, as EthicsPoint data shows that less than 12% of reports are made during working hours.

Reports made from your home, a neighbor's computer, or any internet portal will remain secure and anonymous. An internet portal never identifies a visitor by username, and the EthicsPoint system masks IP addresses, ensuring complete anonymity. Additionally, EthicsPoint has a contractual commitment not to discover the identity of reporters.

We want to hear from you, so the EthicsPoint system is designed to protect your anonymity. However, if you wish to remain anonymous, you need to ensure that the content of your report does not accidentally reveal your identity. For example: “From my cubicle, next to John Doe…” or “In my 33 years…”

Yes. You will be asked to provide the same information as you would in an internet report, and an interviewer will enter your responses into the EthicsPoint website. During the transfer, the same security and confidentiality measures apply to those reports.

If you prefer, there is a section in the report for you to identify yourself.


Our company aims to promote ethical behavior. Any unethical conduct, at any level, ultimately affects the company and all employees, including you. Just think of recent corporate scandals to see the disastrous effects that an apparently harmless ethical lapse can have on a company that would otherwise be healthy. So, if you know of any incidents of misconduct or ethical violations, consider it your own responsibility, as well as to your coworkers, to report it.

File a report. EthicsPoint can help you craft and file your report so that it is properly understood. We prefer that you report a situation that turns out to be harmless rather than leaving a potential unethical behavior unverified because you weren’t sure.

The EthicsPoint system and the distribution of reports are designed so that implicated parties are not informed or have access to reports in which they are mentioned.

When you file a report on the EthicsPoint website or through an EthicsPoint call center, you will receive a unique username and be asked to create a password. You can return to the EthicsPoint system via the internet or by phone to access the original report to add details or answer questions posed by a company representative, and to provide information that may help resolve outstanding issues. We strongly encourage you to return to the site within the specified timeframe to respond to company questions. You and the company have just started an “anonymous dialogue,” where situations are not only identified but can be resolved, no matter how complex.

All correspondence from EthicsPoint is maintained with the same strict confidentiality as the initial report, continuing with the coverage of anonymity.

You can file a report to EthicsPoint from any computer with internet access. You can file reports from home. If you do not have access or do not feel comfortable using a computer, you can call the EthicsPoint toll-free hotline, which is available 24/7, 365 days a year.


Our code of conduct
is your resource to
make it happen

An important part of ATIS's value depends on its good reputation. The reputation of ATIS is something we must not jeopardize under any circumstances.

Ethical and compliance issues can be complex, and sometimes it’s hard to know what to do.

We want you to have the information you need to do the right thing in the right way at work every day.

Our Code of Conduct is designed to guide you to the policies and people who can help you. We are here to continue building the well-being of the team together.



Our technical and legal framework

A leading law firm that provides us with legal advice and guidance on daily business operations. They assist with legal audits, regulatory matters, contracts, and more for Argentina related matters.

A law firm that advises and guides us on legal matters related to our daily operations. They conduct legal audits, provide regulatory advice, and assist with contracts and other legal concerns in Paraguay.

A firm of lawyers and accountants offering comprehensive support in both accounting and legal aspects. They provide robust assistance in contractual, corporate, and regulatory issues, as well as in the management of daily company operations in Uruguay.